Social 和 Environmental 责任 at Okta

We worked with external experts 和 internal stakeholders to define the material issues that form the foundation for Okta's ESG program. 我们组织了这些问题 by our three key stakeholder groups: 客户, 员工, 和社区:
The objective was to identify human rights impacts most salient to 员工, 客户, 供应商, 和社区 directly 和 indirectly impacted by Okta’s business operations, 产品及服务, 和人际关系. We interviewed internal 和 external stakeholders to assess Okta’s business against internationally recognized human rights st和ards 和 principles, 包括 UN Guiding Principles on Business 和 Human Rights. Several key human-rights-related impacts were identified, such as those related to the right to privacy, non-discrimination in the workplace, 负责任地使用产品, equitable 和 accessible products, 工作时间过长.
Okta gives back through our social impact program, 好了
Want to join us in our efforts to create more impact? 搜索 Okta的职业页面 加入我们的团队.
As a transparent 和 collaborative company, we would love to hear your thoughts. Share feedback on our climate strategy.