不要让坏人减慢你的现金流. Okta领先的金融服务身份平台提升了安全性, 增加隐私, 提高用户体验. 这是一笔可靠的投资.
Okta has what it takes to secure your 员工, 合作伙伴, 成员, 和客户.

Okta的身份和访问管理, 你可以用一个简单的方法来打破业务孤岛, 无缝登录过程. 也, delight customers with personalized insights and product recommendations from progressive profiling. 你的员工, 代理, 经纪人, 客户服务代表, 商业伙伴可以轻松地做更多的事情, 安全访问从任何设备和任何地方.

Many financial services organizations are working on moving some or all of their systems to the cloud. You need an access management solution that can manage both on-premises and cloud access cohesively to keep your systems secure no matter where you are on your cloud journey.
+, 当您拥有统一的身份和访问管理系统时, you can eliminate manual processes like lifecycle management and provisioning and deprovisioning of identities.

Okta enables your financial services organization to mature a Zero 信任 strategy by offering a comprehensive set of products and solutions to meet your goals. 零信任, 您可以最小化过度授权的用户, 与风险和欺诈供应商集成, 通过安全API管理解决开放式银行概念, 并为支付交易建立强大的客户认证, 所有这些都不会给客户带来更多的摩擦或风险.

Okta provides a seamless and efficient Identity management system that drives compliance requirements and helps make companies more agile and business-friendly.
Okta streamlines and simplifies user experiences to help insurance 代理 stay enthused about embracing new technologies.
Okta's Identity solutions help wealth management firms deliver higher assurance and provide an easy, 为高净值客户提供个性化体验.
Okta帮助解决安全问题, 可靠性, 可用性问题, 让金融科技公司用技术引领市场.
为员工创建跨组织的流线型访问, 合作伙伴, 成员, 和客户, 这样你就可以专注于推动你的业务向前发展.
提高安全、隐私和用户体验的标准. Secure your most sensitive customer transactions and scenarios while maintaining compliance and intuitive user experiences.
Power the modern digital business with secure access to internal resources for all your supply chain and distribution 合作伙伴.
Improve convenience and security for your clients using the latest phishing-resistant, 基于FIDO标准的无密码技术.
Connect with best-of-breed technologies that suit the needs of your financial services customers best and maximize the investment you’ve already made in your existing security solutions. Reap the benefits of Okta’s vendor-neutral platform to easily implement the tools you use today, 以及您将来可能想要使用的工具.

Okta 合作伙伴 with the best organizations in the technology space to accelerate change for our financial services customers.

“纳斯达克长期以来一直与Okta合作,以满足我们的员工身份需求. We’ve recently adopted their customer identity solutions for our own SaaS products, 这样可以让我们的团队专注于核心产品功能.”