如今,患者对数字化医疗的期望越来越高. 他们想要个性化的体验, 安全, 在他们的供应商团队和他们的设备之间无缝衔接.

Today’s patient experience requires many usernames and passwords, across many apps. 这会造成不必要的障碍. Putting Identity at the center of your engagement strategy changes that.
Whether you’re investing in the digital front door or a new patient portal, a single Identity is changing how patients engage in their health journey.

Okta's 符合hipaa的身份云 ensures your patient Identity initiatives meet the highest industry standards. Whether you’re deploying support for SMART on FHIR or rolling out a new patient-facing application, 您的患者PHI在云端受到保护.


In the world of remote work, Identity has become the new perimeter. That means enabling 安全 access for all of your users – clinicians, 员工, 合作伙伴, 承包商——不管他们在哪里, 设备, 或网络.
Okta’s Identity control plane enables your journey to 零 信任 maturity by providing flexibility in how you get there, 以及你对伴侣的选择.

是否对遗留身份验证进行现代化, 用人力资源系统自动化你的加入-搬迁-离职流程, 或满足MFA的网络保险要求, 一个中立的身份控制平面为这个转换提供动力.
Modern Identity and access management connects all of your users to their apps, 基础设施, 和api——无论它们是在云中还是在本地.

当你通过兼并和收购实现增长时(M&A), combining applications and IT processes doesn’t have to be hard.
好的,加速M&A and helps to avoid the friction and cost of consolidating Active Directory (AD) domains, so you can seamlessly transition any number of organizations to a common set of tools and handle authorization quickly, 第一天访问不中断.

Make digital experiences a part of your patients’ quality care. Unify each patient’s Identity and create 360° views while offering them new healthcare experiences and services by securing third-party API access.
Okta helps drive efficiency and productivity within your organization. 自动化耗时, 昂贵的流程,如入职和离职, 并为临床工作人员创建共享工作站访问权限.
Okta helps you create a more connected and collaborative partner ecosystem. You can centralize your 合作伙伴’ portal experiences across your network to provide a more streamlined and 安全 experience for all.

Connect with best-of-breed technologies that suit the needs of your patients, 供应商, 合作伙伴, 和工作人员. Okta’s vendor-neutral platform helps you easily implement the tools you use today, 以及您将来可能想要使用的工具.
充分利用pg电子的深度, 预先构建的集成可以安全地连接所有东西. 从7中选择,000+ integrations with cloud and on-premises systems that help you get up and running with best-of-breed apps quickly.
Implement Identity with Okta’s products for healthcare organizations

Centralize control and extend cloud SSO and Adaptive MFA to your traditional on-premise applications to create efficient, 跨所有系统的统一安全策略.
“Having Okta as a single source of truth for user identities makes it easier for us to have a clear view of who is signing in to what, so we can provide state-of-the-art security alongside a better customer experience.”
身份识别高级经理 & 数字服务公司,默茨

“We piloted Okta against Microsoft and had Okta up and running in the test environment in less than a week.”
Envision 医疗保健首席信息官